Commentary In its trademark smashmouth style, Greenpeace this week took cloud computing companies to task for using dirty energy -- and then came under fire itself over its methods and assertions. Whatever Greenpeace's shortcomings, though, ...
Apple and Greenpeace in War of Words over Dirty Clouds
Apple and Greenpeace question one another's math as cloud computing data centers come under scrutiny. Greenpeace took aim at Apple, Microsoft and Amazon over how the companies are powering the data centers that house their fast-growing cloud computing ...
Greenpeace targets cloud computing
Bend Bulletin
The organization alleges that the companies' remote data services, often referred to as clouds, utilize dangerous and unsustainable energy sources. “It turns out the companies that give us the cloud keep all that data in huge warehouses called data ...
Cloud computing 'dirty', says Greenpeace
By Nadine Arendse Greenpeace came out swinging against technology companies, including Apple and Amazon, for alleged poor energy policies, CBS News reports. Greenpeace released a report on Tuesday titled "How Clean is Your Cloud?
Appcelerator Delivers Titanium 2.0 With New Cloud Services
Appcelerator launches Titanium 2.0, a new version of its mobile app platform, with new Appcelerator Cloud Services (ACS). Appcelerator, a mobile development platform provider, recently announced the launch of Titanium 2.0, which features new ...
Why Should Investors Care About Amazon's Cloud Services?
Consider cloud-computing rival Rackspace (NYS: RAX) , which is seen as a relative upstart in the virtual server field. Rackspace posted $1 billion of revenue in 2011 and 20% of that came directly from its public cloud services -- a drop-in replacement ...
Managed Vs. Cloud Services
By Rauline Ochs, CRN Managed services are not cloud services. Going back to my rule, when I see a topic surface three times in quick succession, it is worth addressing here in the IPED column as there are likely others who are asking about it.
Confusion Reigns On Cloud Storage, Backup
According to InformationWeek's new report, A Buyers Guide to Cloud Storage, Backup and Synchronization (free, registration required), both business users and IT are adopting cloud services because of their costs. One-quarter of respondents to the ...
OpenStack Is Not A Proprietary Cloud, Kemp Argues
In his talk, Kemp said the OpenStack contributors work from a shared vision of what constitutescloud computing, but the OpenStack code will be useful in building different types of clouds. "Amazon has made a set of decisions about how cheap is cheap ...
Cloud Computing - Java Trial: Google Witnesses Incredibly Hazy
SYS-CON Media (press release)
By Maureen O'Gara Oracle CEO Larry Ellison, decked out in dark Armani duds for the trial of his landmark case against Google and Android, testified Tuesday that he had considered buying RIM or Palm to compete against Apple and its iPhone.
SYS-CON Media (press release)
CNET (blog)
The report examines the cloud-computing landscape with a focus on five specific areas: infrastructure as a service (IaaS), platform as a service (PaaS), software as a service (SaaS),cloud storage, and private/internal clouds. And despite the relative ...
Privacy abuses could kill cloud storage
By David Linthicum | InfoWorld What does this have to do with cloud computing? The rise of personal clouds -- such as iCloud, Mozy, Carbonite, Box, Dropbox, Google Apps, Microsoft SkyDrive, and other cheap or free ways to store our personal data ...
Cloud Computing: Rackspace Starts the Great OpenStack Migration
SYS-CON Media (press release)
By Maureen O'Gara Rackspace, which wants to be the "Linux of the cloud" mimicking the now billion-dollar-a-year Red Hat, said Monday that it's "drawing a line in the sand against cloud providers." Everyone agrees it has Amazon, particularly, ...
SYS-CON Media (press release)
Research and Markets: Cloud Development Survey 2011 v.2 Report Covers the Full ...
SYS-CON Media (press release)
The report covers the full range of Cloud Computing issues, including: Private Cloud vs. PublicCloud, Private cloud management and data centers, standards and organizations, security, wireless Cloud Services, tool use, licensing, languages for use in ...
Gemini Exhibits Cloudian Storage Software at Cloud Computing Expo
EON: Enhanced Online News (press release)
TOKYO--(EON: Enhanced Online News)--Gemini Mobile Technologies KK (Gemini) announced today that it will exhibit Cloudian® at the 3rd Cloud Computing Expo in Tokyo. Cloudian is a packaged software product which enables the building of cloud storage ...
Secure Cloud Computing Platform Focus on New Collaboration
Midsize Insider
The lack of secure cloud computing has been one of the biggest issues facing companies that want to move their operations into the cloud, but which are concerned about the deployment of sensitive data into the perceived unsecure environment of cloud ...
Cloud Computing: Microsoft Sets Up an Open Source Subsidiary
SYS-CON Media (press release)
Their job has been to provide "open source building blocks for interoperable cloud services and collaborate on cloud standards in DMTF and OASIS; support developer choice of programming languages to enable Node.js, PHP and Java in addition to .
SYS-CON Media (press release)
Cost Reduction with Rising Internet Use Drives the Chinese Cloud Computing ...
Virtual-Strategy Magazine
Netscribes (India) Pvt. Ltd. launches Cloud Computing Market in China 2012 report covering a market with strong growth potential. The report is part of Netscribes' Information Technology Industry Series reports. Mumbai, India, April 20, ...
Cloud Computing: Eucalyptus Gets $30 Million C Round
SYS-CON Media (press release)
By Maureen O'Gara Eucalyptus Systems, the open source private and hybrid cloudmerchant that just tied up with Amazon, has gotten a $30 million C round on top of the $25.5 million it's already gotten. It says the C round was oversubscribed.
SYS-CON Media (press release)
Courts shouldn't plumb cloud computing complexities, expert says
Cloud computing is supposed to be done in a way that protects an agency's information, but Richard Falkenrath, a principal with the Chertoff Group, worries that the information could be in jeopardy. He is calling on Congress to prevent the courts from ...
CISE Researchers Discuss “Security for Cloud Computing” » CCC ...
By Erwin Gianchandani
As we step closer to utility computing and “cloud services for everybody,” a major question is, “How secure are the cloud computing services and systems?”. Security is a major concern for many Information Technology (IT) systems and ...
CCC Blog
Just how big is the Amazon cloud anyway? — Cloud Computing News
By Barb Darrow
Everyone knows Amazon's cloud is huge but many want to know exactly how huge it is. The latest to try is Deepfield Networks worked with unnamed partners to find that 1/3 of all Internet users touch on AWS at least once a day.
The Definitive Webcast On Adding Cloud And Hybrid Cloud ...
By MSP University
How to add Cloud and Hybrid Cloud Services to your service catalog to enhance (instead of disrupt) your sales and implementation outcomes, efficiencies and profits; How to position and present Cloud and Hybrid Cloud services to your prospects and clients that eliminates fear and accelerates sales; How to manage and maintain Cloud and ... The Business Case for Cloud Computing Services; Marketing Cloud Computing Services; Pricing and Positioning Cloud Computing Services ...
MSP University Blog
5 Cloud Computing Trends For Cloud Strategy To 2015 | Business ...
By Kevin Tea
As cloud computing adoption proliferates, so does the need for consumption assistance. Acloud services brokerage (CSB) is a service provider that plays an intermediary role in cloud computing. Interest in the CSB concept increased last year ...
Business Computing World
Announcing the Canada Cloud Network – Cloud Computing Best ...
By Neil McEvoy
It`s my believe Cloud Computing is actually a panacea for this. Not only is it a rocket taking off in market opportunity terms, where it will dwarf the dot com boom for the tech sector-driven growth it creates, but also because the technology itself is ...
Cloud Computing Best Practices
Implications Of Cloud Computing For Education « Education ...
By crudbasher
It's understandable because many of us (myself included) grew up before the Internet and the cloud. Computing paradigms have been through many evolutions, and evolving yet again. This new evolution actually is a throwback to an older ...
Education Stormfront
Cloud Computing: Microsoft Sets Up an Open Source Subsidiary ...
Their job has been to provide "open source building blocks for interoperable cloud services and collaborate on cloud standards in DMTF and OASIS; support developer choice of programming languages to enable Node.js, PHP and Java in ...
Java Industry News
Parallels - Cloud Service Provider Blog - Global SMB Market ...
By ParallelsCloud
Our research details SMB cloud services buying behavior, from U.S. market growth of 25% to $15.1 billion in 2011, to our forecast of a global market expansion of 26% to $68 billion by 2014. Before getting into these details and the different ...
Cloud Service Provider Blog
The Internet Revolution Heads for the Clouds | Business 2 Community
By Carlo Pandian
Cloud computing has been with us for a while now, but is becoming a better and more reliable solution for businesses of any size. It offers the smallest of businesses some of the benefits available to large firms who normally have an IT team to ...
Business 2 Community
Cloud Management | Rickscloud
By Rick Blaisdell
Cloud computing has definitely revolutionised the IT industry and transformed the way in which IT Services are delivered. But finding the best way for an organization to perform common management tasks using remote services on the Internet ...
How the Hybrid Cloud Differs from the Public Cloud | US Teks
By admin
Cloud computing is becoming more and more common. ... The hybrid cloud is a good way to provide businesses with high security cloud services while decreasing costs and saving space. It's not surprising that lots of businesses use the ...
US Teks
Reader Poll: Which Cloud Storage Service Do You Use?
By Brian Burgess
There's certainly no shortage of online cloud storage services out there. Some are better than others. Some are more expensive than others. Some use encryption protocols, and some are unclear about it. Some cloud services provide more ...
Cloud Research Findings: Hackers Feast On A Hefty $1 Billion In ...
By Humayun
Cloud Research Findings: Hackers Feast On A Hefty $1 Billion Fairly recently, analytics giant Price Water House Cooper (PwC) had made its research outcome. ... Cloud ComputingCompanies and Information Database · ... - Cloud Computing...
What Cloud Computing Really Means | Cloud Computing Journal
Some analysts and vendors define cloud computing as an updated version of utility ... Here is InfoWorld's rough breakdown of what cloud computing is all about.
Apple and Greenpeace question one another's math as cloud computing data centers come under scrutiny. Greenpeace took aim at Apple, Microsoft and Amazon over how the companies are powering the data centers that house their fast-growing cloud computing ...
Greenpeace targets cloud computing
Bend Bulletin
The organization alleges that the companies' remote data services, often referred to as clouds, utilize dangerous and unsustainable energy sources. “It turns out the companies that give us the cloud keep all that data in huge warehouses called data ...
Cloud computing 'dirty', says Greenpeace
By Nadine Arendse Greenpeace came out swinging against technology companies, including Apple and Amazon, for alleged poor energy policies, CBS News reports. Greenpeace released a report on Tuesday titled "How Clean is Your Cloud?
Appcelerator Delivers Titanium 2.0 With New Cloud Services
Appcelerator launches Titanium 2.0, a new version of its mobile app platform, with new Appcelerator Cloud Services (ACS). Appcelerator, a mobile development platform provider, recently announced the launch of Titanium 2.0, which features new ...
Why Should Investors Care About Amazon's Cloud Services?
Consider cloud-computing rival Rackspace (NYS: RAX) , which is seen as a relative upstart in the virtual server field. Rackspace posted $1 billion of revenue in 2011 and 20% of that came directly from its public cloud services -- a drop-in replacement ...
Managed Vs. Cloud Services
By Rauline Ochs, CRN Managed services are not cloud services. Going back to my rule, when I see a topic surface three times in quick succession, it is worth addressing here in the IPED column as there are likely others who are asking about it.
Confusion Reigns On Cloud Storage, Backup
According to InformationWeek's new report, A Buyers Guide to Cloud Storage, Backup and Synchronization (free, registration required), both business users and IT are adopting cloud services because of their costs. One-quarter of respondents to the ...
OpenStack Is Not A Proprietary Cloud, Kemp Argues
In his talk, Kemp said the OpenStack contributors work from a shared vision of what constitutescloud computing, but the OpenStack code will be useful in building different types of clouds. "Amazon has made a set of decisions about how cheap is cheap ...
Cloud Computing - Java Trial: Google Witnesses Incredibly Hazy
SYS-CON Media (press release)
By Maureen O'Gara Oracle CEO Larry Ellison, decked out in dark Armani duds for the trial of his landmark case against Google and Android, testified Tuesday that he had considered buying RIM or Palm to compete against Apple and its iPhone.
SYS-CON Media (press release)
CNET (blog)
The report examines the cloud-computing landscape with a focus on five specific areas: infrastructure as a service (IaaS), platform as a service (PaaS), software as a service (SaaS),cloud storage, and private/internal clouds. And despite the relative ...
Privacy abuses could kill cloud storage
By David Linthicum | InfoWorld What does this have to do with cloud computing? The rise of personal clouds -- such as iCloud, Mozy, Carbonite, Box, Dropbox, Google Apps, Microsoft SkyDrive, and other cheap or free ways to store our personal data ...
Cloud Computing: Rackspace Starts the Great OpenStack Migration
SYS-CON Media (press release)
By Maureen O'Gara Rackspace, which wants to be the "Linux of the cloud" mimicking the now billion-dollar-a-year Red Hat, said Monday that it's "drawing a line in the sand against cloud providers." Everyone agrees it has Amazon, particularly, ...
SYS-CON Media (press release)
Research and Markets: Cloud Development Survey 2011 v.2 Report Covers the Full ...
SYS-CON Media (press release)
The report covers the full range of Cloud Computing issues, including: Private Cloud vs. PublicCloud, Private cloud management and data centers, standards and organizations, security, wireless Cloud Services, tool use, licensing, languages for use in ...
Gemini Exhibits Cloudian Storage Software at Cloud Computing Expo
EON: Enhanced Online News (press release)
TOKYO--(EON: Enhanced Online News)--Gemini Mobile Technologies KK (Gemini) announced today that it will exhibit Cloudian® at the 3rd Cloud Computing Expo in Tokyo. Cloudian is a packaged software product which enables the building of cloud storage ...
Secure Cloud Computing Platform Focus on New Collaboration
Midsize Insider
The lack of secure cloud computing has been one of the biggest issues facing companies that want to move their operations into the cloud, but which are concerned about the deployment of sensitive data into the perceived unsecure environment of cloud ...
Cloud Computing: Microsoft Sets Up an Open Source Subsidiary
SYS-CON Media (press release)
Their job has been to provide "open source building blocks for interoperable cloud services and collaborate on cloud standards in DMTF and OASIS; support developer choice of programming languages to enable Node.js, PHP and Java in addition to .
SYS-CON Media (press release)
Cost Reduction with Rising Internet Use Drives the Chinese Cloud Computing ...
Virtual-Strategy Magazine
Netscribes (India) Pvt. Ltd. launches Cloud Computing Market in China 2012 report covering a market with strong growth potential. The report is part of Netscribes' Information Technology Industry Series reports. Mumbai, India, April 20, ...
Cloud Computing: Eucalyptus Gets $30 Million C Round
SYS-CON Media (press release)
By Maureen O'Gara Eucalyptus Systems, the open source private and hybrid cloudmerchant that just tied up with Amazon, has gotten a $30 million C round on top of the $25.5 million it's already gotten. It says the C round was oversubscribed.
SYS-CON Media (press release)
Courts shouldn't plumb cloud computing complexities, expert says
Cloud computing is supposed to be done in a way that protects an agency's information, but Richard Falkenrath, a principal with the Chertoff Group, worries that the information could be in jeopardy. He is calling on Congress to prevent the courts from ...
Cloud computing 'emerging from hype cycle'
Public sector cloud computing has been caught in a "hype cycle" inflating expectations about savings, from which it is only now emerging, Jos Creese, chief information officer at Hampshire County Council, told ITU Live yesterday.
Cloud firm garners $30M from Netflix backers
Pacific Coast Business Times
Eucalyptus Systems has raised $30 million in fresh venture capital from the same firm that funded Netflix and Twitter, bringing the Goleta-based cloud computing software company's total capital raised to date to $55.5 million. Eucalyptus was founded in ...
HP Says It Will Win In Cloud Services
By Jack McCarthy, CRN With its Converged Cloud Services recently launched, Hewlett-Packard now says it's in the market to win. Biri Singh, senior vice president and general manager of HPCloud Services, in a keynote speech at the OpenStack Conference ...
Samsung Rumored To Launch Cloud Storage Service Alongside GSIII At Unpacked On ...
The Driod Guy
Amazon has launched their own cloud music store and app store to compete with the Play Store as well, and has been pretty successful at gaining traction for both services. Samsung, however, is reportedly planning on releasing their own cloud storage ...

The Driod Guy
Sophisticated clouds call for sophisticated management services
As your company moves further into cloud computing, you may grow to appreciate the benefits of allowing third-party providers to manage hardware infrastructures. But that's exactly when you'll realize there are other When you register, ...
Top 50 Cloud Services Providers: Survey Deadline
Our second-annual Top 50 Cloud Services Providers survey ends on Friday, April 27. Complete the survey, available on Talkin' Cloud (MSPmentor's sister site), and perhaps your company could be ranked among the world's top CSPs in the Talkin' Cloud 50.
Reliable encryption is essential to the future of the cloud
But in the wake of the Megaupload raid, some cloud storage companies are getting cold feet and are rushing to placate the emissaries of the content industry, such as the RIAA and MPAA. All that might add up to a dark and stormy future for thecloud, ...

Cloud Expo New York: Industry-Leading CxOs to Present June 11-14
SYS-CON Media (press release)
CTO at US Dept. of Defense - Ajay Budhraja CIO at National Reconnaissance Office - Jill T. Singer Sr. Director of Product Management for Oracle Public Cloud - Sandeep Banerjie Sr. Principal Product Director at Oracle - Anand Akela Sr. Business and ...

SYS-CON Media (press release)
Cloud society: Cloud computing will not create jobs, good business will
Cloud Pro
Reports that cloud computing is a massive job creation scheme are far from the truth. It's time we got more realistic Technology is great, isn't it? I mean, where would we be without all these computers? I'll put my cards on the table: I'm delighted to ...
Top HP Cloud Computing Executive Opens Arms to MSPs
Hewlett-Packard's top cloud computing executive opened his arms to MSPs (managed services providers) today, predicting that cloud computing will “usher in a complete renaissance in MSP land.” Zorawar 'Biri' Singh, senior VP and GM of HP Cloud Services, ...
Trend Micro Backup and Restore: Free Cloud Storage For Android ...
By A. Rehman
With the recent surge of so many quality online data backup/restore Android apps that have arrived in the Google Play Store, and with Google itself working.
Public sector cloud computing has been caught in a "hype cycle" inflating expectations about savings, from which it is only now emerging, Jos Creese, chief information officer at Hampshire County Council, told ITU Live yesterday.
Cloud firm garners $30M from Netflix backers
Pacific Coast Business Times
Eucalyptus Systems has raised $30 million in fresh venture capital from the same firm that funded Netflix and Twitter, bringing the Goleta-based cloud computing software company's total capital raised to date to $55.5 million. Eucalyptus was founded in ...
HP Says It Will Win In Cloud Services
By Jack McCarthy, CRN With its Converged Cloud Services recently launched, Hewlett-Packard now says it's in the market to win. Biri Singh, senior vice president and general manager of HPCloud Services, in a keynote speech at the OpenStack Conference ...
Samsung Rumored To Launch Cloud Storage Service Alongside GSIII At Unpacked On ...
The Driod Guy
Amazon has launched their own cloud music store and app store to compete with the Play Store as well, and has been pretty successful at gaining traction for both services. Samsung, however, is reportedly planning on releasing their own cloud storage ...
The Driod Guy
Sophisticated clouds call for sophisticated management services
As your company moves further into cloud computing, you may grow to appreciate the benefits of allowing third-party providers to manage hardware infrastructures. But that's exactly when you'll realize there are other When you register, ...
Top 50 Cloud Services Providers: Survey Deadline
Our second-annual Top 50 Cloud Services Providers survey ends on Friday, April 27. Complete the survey, available on Talkin' Cloud (MSPmentor's sister site), and perhaps your company could be ranked among the world's top CSPs in the Talkin' Cloud 50.
Reliable encryption is essential to the future of the cloud
But in the wake of the Megaupload raid, some cloud storage companies are getting cold feet and are rushing to placate the emissaries of the content industry, such as the RIAA and MPAA. All that might add up to a dark and stormy future for thecloud, ...
Cloud Expo New York: Industry-Leading CxOs to Present June 11-14
SYS-CON Media (press release)
CTO at US Dept. of Defense - Ajay Budhraja CIO at National Reconnaissance Office - Jill T. Singer Sr. Director of Product Management for Oracle Public Cloud - Sandeep Banerjie Sr. Principal Product Director at Oracle - Anand Akela Sr. Business and ...
SYS-CON Media (press release)
Cloud society: Cloud computing will not create jobs, good business will
Cloud Pro
Reports that cloud computing is a massive job creation scheme are far from the truth. It's time we got more realistic Technology is great, isn't it? I mean, where would we be without all these computers? I'll put my cards on the table: I'm delighted to ...
Top HP Cloud Computing Executive Opens Arms to MSPs
Hewlett-Packard's top cloud computing executive opened his arms to MSPs (managed services providers) today, predicting that cloud computing will “usher in a complete renaissance in MSP land.” Zorawar 'Biri' Singh, senior VP and GM of HP Cloud Services, ...
Trend Micro Backup and Restore: Free Cloud Storage For Android ...
By A. Rehman
With the recent surge of so many quality online data backup/restore Android apps that have arrived in the Google Play Store, and with Google itself working.
CISE Researchers Discuss “Security for Cloud Computing” » CCC ...
By Erwin Gianchandani
As we step closer to utility computing and “cloud services for everybody,” a major question is, “How secure are the cloud computing services and systems?”. Security is a major concern for many Information Technology (IT) systems and ...
CCC Blog
Just how big is the Amazon cloud anyway? — Cloud Computing News
By Barb Darrow
Everyone knows Amazon's cloud is huge but many want to know exactly how huge it is. The latest to try is Deepfield Networks worked with unnamed partners to find that 1/3 of all Internet users touch on AWS at least once a day.
The Definitive Webcast On Adding Cloud And Hybrid Cloud ...
By MSP University
How to add Cloud and Hybrid Cloud Services to your service catalog to enhance (instead of disrupt) your sales and implementation outcomes, efficiencies and profits; How to position and present Cloud and Hybrid Cloud services to your prospects and clients that eliminates fear and accelerates sales; How to manage and maintain Cloud and ... The Business Case for Cloud Computing Services; Marketing Cloud Computing Services; Pricing and Positioning Cloud Computing Services ...
MSP University Blog
5 Cloud Computing Trends For Cloud Strategy To 2015 | Business ...
By Kevin Tea
As cloud computing adoption proliferates, so does the need for consumption assistance. Acloud services brokerage (CSB) is a service provider that plays an intermediary role in cloud computing. Interest in the CSB concept increased last year ...
Business Computing World
Announcing the Canada Cloud Network – Cloud Computing Best ...
By Neil McEvoy
It`s my believe Cloud Computing is actually a panacea for this. Not only is it a rocket taking off in market opportunity terms, where it will dwarf the dot com boom for the tech sector-driven growth it creates, but also because the technology itself is ...
Cloud Computing Best Practices
Implications Of Cloud Computing For Education « Education ...
By crudbasher
It's understandable because many of us (myself included) grew up before the Internet and the cloud. Computing paradigms have been through many evolutions, and evolving yet again. This new evolution actually is a throwback to an older ...
Education Stormfront
Cloud Computing: Microsoft Sets Up an Open Source Subsidiary ...
Their job has been to provide "open source building blocks for interoperable cloud services and collaborate on cloud standards in DMTF and OASIS; support developer choice of programming languages to enable Node.js, PHP and Java in ...
Java Industry News
Parallels - Cloud Service Provider Blog - Global SMB Market ...
By ParallelsCloud
Our research details SMB cloud services buying behavior, from U.S. market growth of 25% to $15.1 billion in 2011, to our forecast of a global market expansion of 26% to $68 billion by 2014. Before getting into these details and the different ...
Cloud Service Provider Blog
The Internet Revolution Heads for the Clouds | Business 2 Community
By Carlo Pandian
Cloud computing has been with us for a while now, but is becoming a better and more reliable solution for businesses of any size. It offers the smallest of businesses some of the benefits available to large firms who normally have an IT team to ...
Business 2 Community
Cloud Management | Rickscloud
By Rick Blaisdell
Cloud computing has definitely revolutionised the IT industry and transformed the way in which IT Services are delivered. But finding the best way for an organization to perform common management tasks using remote services on the Internet ...
How the Hybrid Cloud Differs from the Public Cloud | US Teks
By admin
Cloud computing is becoming more and more common. ... The hybrid cloud is a good way to provide businesses with high security cloud services while decreasing costs and saving space. It's not surprising that lots of businesses use the ...
US Teks
Reader Poll: Which Cloud Storage Service Do You Use?
By Brian Burgess
There's certainly no shortage of online cloud storage services out there. Some are better than others. Some are more expensive than others. Some use encryption protocols, and some are unclear about it. Some cloud services provide more ...
Cloud Research Findings: Hackers Feast On A Hefty $1 Billion In ...
By Humayun
Cloud Research Findings: Hackers Feast On A Hefty $1 Billion Fairly recently, analytics giant Price Water House Cooper (PwC) had made its research outcome. ... Cloud ComputingCompanies and Information Database · ... - Cloud Computing...
What Cloud Computing Really Means | Cloud Computing Journal
Some analysts and vendors define cloud computing as an updated version of utility ... Here is InfoWorld's rough breakdown of what cloud computing is all about.
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