Saturday, January 5, 2013

Transformational Impacts of the Cloud in 2013

Top 10 Transformational Impacts of the Cloud in 2013 - Yahoo! News: "Cloud technologies will converge. The cloud will continue to forge a massive convergence of technologies—similar to the evolution of the cell phone to the smart phone. "The lines between platform as a service (PaaS) and cloud services brokerages will blur into a conceptual operating system for the 'Web as a platform'—providing tools to allow users to take advantage of multiple cloud solutions at once, and bringing the cloud closer to the end user in more meaningful ways," according to Landis. Custom software will hit the cloud. For years, everyone has been talking about the "low-hanging fruit" of commodity email and infrastructure. According to Kevin L. Jackson, NJVC vice president and general manager, cloud services, and Landis, non-commodity custom software is beginning to move to the cloud in a meaningful manner. "As of this year, PaaS and other cloud technologies have reached a maturity level that allows developers and integrators to build highly customized, complex offerings on the cloud," Landis said. Integration will become the new "killer app.". . ."

More Cloud News below--computing, storage, infrastructure, security

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